I’ve really struggled with anxiety over the last couple of years, mostly as a response to various life events. Sometimes it gets really frustrating as I get caught up in over-thinking about what could be causing it and what I could do about it. Here are three methods that have helped me to stop anxiety in the moment, before it has the chance to ruin the rest of my day!
1) Phone a Friend
It’s sometimes the last thing that you want to do when you’re in a spiral of self-destructive over-thinking. After all you don’t want to ruin somebody else’s mood too! However, a problem shared can often mean a problem halved – even if your problem is simply anxiety without an apparent cause. As soon as you begin to speak aloud to another human being about it, it tends to stop your mind running away with itself. Open your telephone conversation with first asking how your friend is, and they will appreciate the call!
2) Try Mindfulness
The only thing I really know about mindfulness is that it’s about concentrating on the present moment instead of imagining the future, or dwelling on the past. I have a post-it note above my desk that says, “Just be where you are” and that helps. The other thing I like to do is listen to Eckhart Tolle talk about The Power of Now. I sometimes listen to his audio book and sometimes I watch him speaking on YouTube. His message is, “You cannot be both unhappy and fully present in the Now.”
3) Listen to an Audio Download
I was fascinated with hypnosis from a young age, and went on to become a hypnotherapist practicing in London, for several years. When I first began studying it I was surprised to learn that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis; it’s simply a relaxed state of mind that you put yourself in. That said, if you’ve never learned how to hypnotise yourself the easiest shortcut is to let a hypnosis download do it for you, and guide you into relaxation. It’s very hard to continue worrying when you’re listening to a calming voice with relaxing music. I like to listen to a 20 minute download that I made myself called Massage for Your Mind. You can listen to a bit of it here:
If you listen repeatedly to a hypnosis download you may find you are noticeably more relaxed about life in general and feel like a great weight has lifted from your shoulders. I’d love to know what strategies have worked for you, when you want to feel more mentally calm? Let me know by leaving me a comment.
Find out more about increasing your inner peace and sense of confidence here: Massage for Your Mind.
PS. Create your own audio download in 60 minutes or less with my free video class.
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