Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the sea of audio information out there? Do you sometimes wish you could just ask a professional sound engineer, “Which mic should I buy?!”
Today I’m delighted to introduce you to my friend Tim Coward. Tim is a sound engineer and has worked in professional audio for 40 years. He spent about 20 years working for the BBC making spoken word recordings such as news, documentaries and drama – mainly for radio. He’s worked on everything from the BBC World Service to Spitting Image (UK satirical puppet show). What he doesn’t know about voice recording probably ain’t worth knowing!
In this podcast you’ll learn:
- The main differences between different sorts of microphones
- Is there one brand of microphone that’s best for spoken word?
- Why you shouldn’t focus on your technical ability – and what to focus on instead
- Is there a minimum amount you need to spend to sound professional?
- How to tell if the quality of your recording is good enough to put “out there”
- Where to buy your microphone
Listen now.
(This podcast was recorded using this Tonor USB microphone from Amazon which costs around £13 or $17 USD.)
Once you’ve had a chance to listen I’d love to know, what was the most surprising thing that you learned in this podcast? Leave me a comment below. The one thing that you picked up on may be the very thing that could help somebody else to make their first voice recording.
Thank you for listening!
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